Saturday, January 9, 2010

an update from the ward historian

here i am, attempting to create a ward history of sorts, and as you might be able to tell due to the fact that i am indeed blogging instead of historian-ing, it is not going so well. who even knows what a ward historian is supposed to do? not i, not i.

its a new year. a new decade even.

my thoughts are everywhere, i am loath to focus.

here's a new years resolution: develop a stronger vocabulary

i love words, i love putting the right words together to form sentences. i'll admit i love putting big words together to form impressive sentences; therefore, it is necessary to know big words.

what if every human being used the word lexicon instead of the word list? bevy instead of group? zephyr instead of breeze? the world might be a different place. i want to learn a new word every day. maybe even two!

i love words.

a favorite?
its an old fashioned word for bouquet.

you know what else i love, french words. sometimes i wish that if i just spoke french all the time people would simply understand me. french is beautiful, and when i am creating french sentences out of french words, their beauty seems to encompass me and extend out through each word as it rolls off my tongue. what an experience.

enough words for tonight.
hopefully i will be able to put together some real thoughts for next time. and soon too.

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