Thursday, October 29, 2009

things get a little crazy down under

let me tell you a story

once upon a time, mindy had been talking on her phone for a lengthy period of time while i was attempting to clean my overly spacious closet and sing several choice selections from the sound of music in a most operatic manner.

mind is officially an aunt, yesterday on the 28th (a nice round numbered day to have a birthday) a beautiful 7 lb 14 oz, 20.5 in baby girl with a head full of dark dark hair was born. because mind and i are practically sisters and both have been watching this baby grow since the beginning, i'm feeling pretty auntly too.

this new baby was the cause for the extended phone time.

i got bored of folding clothes and singing sound of music.
i closed our bathroom/closet door.
i opened my make up drawer.
i gave myself a makeover.
i opened the door
and mindy shook her head.

this story is one that is not unusual. it happens often. (mindy talks on the phone a lot) but what happened next is a little more unsual.

mindy let me give her a makeover.

throughout my life i have always been interested in fashion and style and i often have tried to inflict my knowledge of such onto not so willing persons (my mom, j, mallory haze, mind, etc), so when they let me do something crazy it is always a treat.

and last night was definitely crazy.

i dont know where the down under came from.

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