Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Some people play instruments. Some people sculpt. Some people watercolor. Some people cut snowflakes. Some people blog. Some people play video games and make 1000 dollars a week. Some people cook. I photoshoot. Its an art.

You might wonder when this all began, how this masterful art became one I am so drawn to. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but I can tell you, it happened when I was still in my early years.

This "talent" as some might call it has only developed through the years, and I would now most definitely consider myself a Master Photoshoot-er (yes, that is the technical term). This may be the reason why i currently have 19,995 photos stored in iPhoto... Life is just better with a little photoshoot. Now photoshoots do not necessarily mean get all dressed up, put on crazy makeup, find an awesome location with good lighting, and have a professional camera. A photoshoot can happen anytime, anywhere, with any outfit, any camera, and ANY number of people. If you are going to participate in a self photoshoot, it does help to have a camera with self-timer.  Self-timer is an added bonus in any photoshoot, and can in fact add to the overall artistic-ness of the photoshoot. I.E.

If there is someone willing to not participate in the
 photoshoot that is always a plus, however if everyone present wants to take part, it is easy to take turns behind the camera, just make sure everyone gets equal time in front of the camera. :)
Photoshoots can happen literally anytime anywhere. Therefore, it is good to always have a camera on hand. In the backyard, on the trampoline, in disneyland, in the stairwell, in the car,in oddly shaped cabinets and closets, even while cleaning the bathroom, any location can turn into a totally qual photoshoot. 

You may be surprised how many people are willing, even excited to become a part of a "photoshoot".  Get as many people to participate, the more the merrier! You also may be surprised how great it is to look at the photos post photoshoot and reminisce about all the great times that were had during the shoot. Much laughter is sure to be had throughout the whole experience. For me, I have photoshoots daily. Its a regular verb/noun/adjective in my vocabulary. I photoshoot, but so can anyone! So next time you are bored and have a camera on hand... give in to the urge, and PHOTOSHOOT!


  1. you are gorgeous and creative and so you have so much to work with. i love the photos that you selected and of course, there's a story behind each one that i want to know. i had no idead that you had that many photos period. i do know that you are spectabulous behind the camera,as i have about 10 photo album filled with pictures of adorable you. now for the warning: i am now making this next section about me. speaking of photoshoots--i know that you are the master. i was at my visiting teacher's home and there was an absolutely stunning shot of her daughter in her wedding dress on the salt flats. it was way cool. for my tenth anniversary i was going to do my bridals(as i never had any,) but time got away with us. it still is bothering me that i never had bridal photos. on the way home from my trip, we past the salt flats and the want returned with a vengence and let's face it, i'm not getting any younger and i have to hope i can still fit in the wedding dress plus now the finances are sitting on the low end of things--a professional photographer would cost me a month's worth of groceries. bridal shots are considered a "Want" and not a "Need." then i come home to read your blog and voila--there you were--the photoshoot master, the make up artist, the hair stylist, the creative poser etc. etc. do you think you could make your aunt--scars and all, look like a princess for one glorious day and give her the bridal shots she never had? you could bring mindy, mallory, and you could have your own shoot too. bring flowers and props and you can be the flower girls i never had. we'd have to have jenn, fly out. oh how will we do this? it would be a dream for me--ind of like mallory sitting in the single seat. no, i am being serious, really serious and anniversary ll is tomorrow--i think you have 60 days before you have to wait another year. love you. miss you and all your random characters.

  2. HILLAR!!
    i LOVE your photoshooting talents!! and your posing, makeup and facial talents are quite amazing too!
    i miss you! you crazy weird coo coo hilarious awesome girl!!
    are you coming home this summer???
