Thursday, August 27, 2009


The summer is quickly coming to an end, and this can only mean one thing: packing.
Packing and I have never been particularly good friends. Packing tends to bring out the best in me - that is when it comes to procrastination. Its a challenge that I struggle to face. Especially because I struggle with what some might call a problem, but what I am going to choose to call an asset. I overpack. Now true when you exceed the 50 pound weight limit for your airplane suitcase this is in fact a problem, I'll admit it. But, think of all the benefits of overpacking. Once you get where you are going, you have choices! You can be impulsive. If the weather is different than expected, you thought ahead and have options, you can layer (its the worst when it rains all week and you only brought flip flops, shorts, and t-shirts). When you overpack, people who think they are smart and underpack or just pack come to you to borrow cute clothes or accessories. If unexpected events occur, for example being pushed into some body of water on your last day, those who simply pack might be on their last pair of underwear.. then what? We overpackers are always prepared for these unexpected moments. Now don't think I am trying to diminish the qualities of simply packing and underpacking. Both have their benefits, however, in most situations i find overpacking beneficial.

This summer has not been one of those situations. This summer was a summer of simplification. You may come into my room and think, this girl DEFINITELY did not simplify, but I will tell you to go look in my Uncle John and Aunt Sarah's basement. You'll find about 2/3s of my wardrobe down there. And now I can't even remember what that includes. Its been nice to be simple this summer, but then again I wear costumes from 4:00 to 11:00 everyday, so I probably could have lived in about 3 outfits this whole summer. A benefit of simplification, it makes packing everything back up much easier. Also it means if you acquire a few things wherever you are you can pack them with ease. It will be interesting to return to my so called "real life" from this dream world where I am a paid actress, and have so many options again. Maybe I will be changed, no longer an overpacker... but I doubt it.

But what it really comes down to is packing is usually fun when you are going, and hard when you are leaving. Packing is like the word "aloha" it means hello and goodbye at the same time. And like I said before, it brings out the best in me - if we are talking about procrastination. What do you think I should be doing right now as I write this blog?

That's right.. packing.

1 comment:

  1. No one says it better than you, but I for one hate to pack period, whether it is too much or not enough...but even more than packing is unpacking. I married someone who despises unpacking as much as I do. Sometimes a suitcase will sit on the floor until the next trip and then guess what? We're already packed and ready to go. On the other hand, my little boy loves to pack. If he hears we are going out of town, even if it is a month away, he starts packing. We even lost his tennis shoes once. We searched the whole house and it wasn't until a month later when we were on our trip that we found his tennis shoes. We forgot he packed them. Noah would also take the whole house if he could. He's like you, he needs options. I know at this time that you have been to John and Sarah's--packing and unpacking...enjoy and love you tons.
