Monday, August 30, 2010

simple things


i had the grand opportunity to go huckleberry picking with two of my dearest friends Cam and Justin (who is know to me, very fondly, as Crusty).

we left early in the morning (eight am) and set out on a grand adventure to find a certain secret spot. after driving several miles down a dirt road we parked the car and started hiking.

huckleberry bushes were everywhere but they all seemed fairly bare. at first we would get excited to find one berry hiding beneath the leaves. as we climbed higher and deeper into the forest and as the scenery got prettier and the suspicious distant noises got louder we started to hit the jackpot. we would sit in the same place and pick fifty berries all while making loud conversation and singing to keep those bears away.

it was beautiful. we were high enough up that we overlooked my wondrous hebgen lake. the shimmering water peaked through the tall trees and the ground was covered in green. we tried to take pictures but nothing man made could quite capture the beauty all around us.

it was peaceful. yes we did get freaked out every time we heard a cracking sound but aside from that we all found such peace in sitting and picking. berries that is. one time i may or may not have been attacked by a low flying bird. humorous.

it was fun. cam and i sang rounds together. we hit some of the bodine family favorites "america, america" and "ghost of tom" and then we progressed into making up songs of our own. "berries, berries everywhere, berries, berries in my hair..." we climbed a crazy rock formation. we were true adventurers.

we picked lots of berries
i ate berries and cream for breakfast.

i love the simple things

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