Tuesday, October 27, 2009

got clean?

on occasion things happen that are not necessarily planned, but they are, nonetheless, great.

while mindy was taking out our trash, i noticed our floor could use a little sweep. so i started sweeping.

i realized our floor could use a lotta sweep.

mind came back and i asked her if she was better at dust-panning than i, and when she replied yes i handed her my broom. i then got another broom out of our randoms closet and we partook in a little double sweep action. while sweeping we decided there was no best way to sweep around our rolling chair/table set, so we moved our table and chairs into our living room and set out on a deep clean of the kitchen floor. we swept. we swiffed. we got down on our knees and scrubbed.

i felt like cinderella, minus the prince charming.

after going through several rags, a couple buckets of bleach water, and of course a self-timered photoshoot scrubbing the pantry, we practically passed out from exhaustion. what we thought was a pattern on our tile had turned out to be years of dirt and grime. our off white pantry door? oh, its really white. and who even knows about that strange brown substance at the back of the pantry... or the penny that happens to be.. glued? stuck? to the floor under the dishwasher...

but what i do know. our kitchen floor is officially clean.

(for the most part)

onto the next project!

(pictures to come, soon!)

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