Friday, July 3, 2009

sometimes i have crazy ideas...

I was lucky enough to receive an academic scholarship for my freshman year at BYU, but these scholarships only last one year so I had to reapply for a new one. The essay topic for this new scholarship was "write a brief biographical sketch of your life in 300 words". Hmm, seriously? I get only three hundred words to tell you what a great life I have lived? tough. But then I had this crazy idea for my essay, and even though it ended up not really containing a single sentence (oops?) I couldn't write anything else, and I knew that I had to use my crazy idea. Guess what? It worked, I got a continuation of my scholarship (yipee) but I thought I'd share my "essay" with you!

A brief, informal, biographical sketch of Madeline Bodine with an omniscient perspective, entitled Madeline Bodine in an Increasing Number of Words per Sentence: Madeline. Maddie Bodine. Born July 29th. Raised in Northern California. Would rather be with family. Thrives in sunshine, loves being tan. Sings almost all of the time, literally.  Well-traveled: New Zealand, Belgium, Fiji, Paris, Sweden, Luxembourg.  Loves being on the stage, performing is her outlet. Reads every good book twice, or thrice, or frice (quatrice?).  Certified scuba diver, or lover of water, wet suits, and sharks. Doesn’t mind being a little random, any time, all the time. Did I mention performing is her outlet, because she doesn’t stop singing, ever. Spends her summers in a run down cabin in Montana, and considers it home. Appreciates her mom’s knowledge of every constellation that has been passed on while star gazing. Water skiing on a glassy lake while the sun rises might be the second best feeling. Second best because singing in front of a million people is the first, as previously mentioned, twice. Was a latecomer in bike riding and teeth loosing, but not to worry that’s not holding her back. Currently attends Brigham Young University, has not declared a major, found a spouse, or gotten sick of her roommate. Has always loved school and believes herself to be a nerd, not just because she sometimes enjoys reading her textbooks. Considers everyone a friend, loves meeting new people, because she loves hearing their stories and learning how she can serve them.  Has a strange obsession with shoes, stilettos, high tops, flats, wedges, boots, flip flops, espadrilles, she has them all, wears them too. Her favorites include the number 23, so this sentence will conclude the random assembly of facts that describe Maddie’s eighteen years of life.

298 words right there. heck. yes.



  1. Maddie. Madeline Bodine. Maddie my niece. Maddie amazing and creative. Maddie,congratulations on your scholarship. Your essay deserves the winning prize. I have never met anyone like you. You can text, sing, dance, sing, act, write. I love you so much and feel so proud. This is too hard for me to write this way.

    I stop at 10. heck yes. truly i loved your essay. i do not know how anyone could have ever thought of it.

  2. I love it, thanks for sharing. can't wait to see you.
