Wednesday, June 10, 2009

If I were to be stranded on a desert island and could only have two things I would probably take

Seriously might be the best $19.99 I ever spent in my life, and it was totally worth the crazy run in into the Kmart in Bozeman that probably made my car late for rehearsal... (oops) But really, such a grand purchase, my george foreman gets me through the weeks of ten girls sharing two pans and one working burner. My george forman currently resides under the fainting sofa in our living room (the very same fainting sofa used in several playmill shows of years past, i.e. joseph) along with Kelly's george foreman. They are special and secret, and very much ours, so they hide out under the couch and we pretend like we don't know they are there, therefore no one else uses them and "forgets to clean them". There is a great story as to why they live under the fainting sofa, ask me sometime! But really, it is such a great thing. Today I made the most delicious chicken stuffed with a mixture of sour cream, cream cheese, spinach, cheese, and lemon pepper seasoning and let me tell you it was to die for! And it only took a few minutes and I grilled it right in the comfort of my own kitchen. It doesn't get any better.
Probably the best $15.99 I have ever spent in my life, and also totally worth the random run in into the Kmart in Bozeman that probably made my car late for rehearsal... Really though, it is so great! It makes breakfast so much more exciting and so much easier.. lets just hope that on this island i'm stranded on that there is a ready supply of yogurt, frozen and fresh fruit, orange juice, ice, and honey. My personal blender used to chill on the counter with (surprise, surprise) Kelly's personal blender, but due to an unexpected event when i came out one morning to find a certain someone using my blender, and a not so unexpected event when i came out one dinner break to find the very same certain someone using my blender (this certain someone might also be the reason the George Foremans hide under the couch) the blender now lives my designated kitchen cabinet. Its great though, and Kelly and I often come to rehearsal with personal blenders full of delicious smoothie in hand. 

Life is great, and believe me its nice not to just eat cereal, ramen, and pasta roni every day. (And, I promise I am in no way influenced by late night infomercials)

1 comment:

  1. tee hee hee!!! you have my mind spinning about what two things i would take. given that you suggested machines, i would say my exercise bike or roxy (DDR) and my laptop.
